Opt in for Texting

By providing your mobile phone number, you consent to receive text messages from Olympian Mortgage for important updates, promotions, and other relevant information. Standard messaging rates may apply.

To opt-in for text messages, please follow these steps:

  • Visit our website at olympianmortgage.com or call our toll-free number at (800) 574-1903.
  • Locate the “Opt In” section on the bottom of our website or ask our representative when calling our toll-free number.
  • Enter your mobile phone number in the designated field below or provide it to our representative over the phone.
  • Check the box or state your consent to receive text messages from Olympian Mortgage.
  • Click the “Submit” button below or verbally confirm your consent with our representative on the call.
  • By opting-in, you acknowledge that you are the account holder or have obtained permission from the account holder to receive text messages to the provided mobile phone number.

You can opt-out of receiving text messages at any time by replying “STOP” to any message you receive from Olympian Mortgage. For help or more information, contact us at the toll-free number mentioned above or email us at info@olympianmortgage.com.

By clicking the checkbox labeled with the opt-in terms and conditions and then clicking submit, Contacts will agree to receive SMS messaging.

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